Discrete Structures II

مع الأستاذة مريم آل شهاب

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Private Course
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Teacher Maryam Al Shahab
Last Update 26/07/2024
Completion Time 13 hours 14 minutes
Members 2
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  • LIVE
    1Lessons ·
    • رابط قروب الواتساب الخاص بالمشتركين معنا
  • Chapter 1 - The growth of function
    7Lessons · 1 hr 51 min
  • Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory
    9Lessons · 3 hr 56 min
    • Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory - Notes.pdf
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 1)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 1)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 2)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 2)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 3)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 3)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 4)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 2 - Elementary number theory (Part 4)
  • Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation
    13Lessons · 3 hr 39 min
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 1).pdf
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 1)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 2)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 2)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 3).pdf
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 3)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 4)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 4)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 5)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 5)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 6)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 3 - Recurrence Relation (Part 6)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 3 - Recurrence relation
  • Chapter 4 - Combinatorics
    10Lessons · 3 hr 33 min
    • (NOTE) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 1)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 1)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 2)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 2)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 3)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 3)
    • (NOTE) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 4)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 4)
    • (NOTES) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 5)
    • (VIDEO) Chapter 4 - Combinatorics (Part 5)
  • Book
    2Lessons · 15 min
    • rosen_discrete_mathematics_and_its_applications_7th_edition.pdf
    • Book 's Solution.pdf
  • Syllabus
    1Lessons ·